Dear photography enthusiast, in this first post I would to welcome you to this humble site!
Here I will keep you up-to-date about new media available to download, photo tour reports, experiences with new equipment or whatever may be of interest for those who love photography.
I’ve been traveling the world for about 20 years and always had my camera with me to immortalize those moments, places and people, that impressed me. Since 2011 it is also my main purpose to steadily increase the quality of the captures improving my equipment, my technique and the post-processing.

If you are looking for spectacular but unreal images, this is not your site. What you will get is what I see through the visor of my camera. Apart from long exposure photography of some subjects like e.g. water and skies just after sunset (blue hour) where the result necessarily will differ from the human eye perecption (but still a long exposure is required to capture enough light to show the subject), panoramas where I will stitch several frames together or high dynamic range (HDR) images where I’ll merge several frames of the same scene so that there is detail in dark and bright areas, colors, items and compositions will always be real. Above you have 4 examples of a long exposure involving water, a blue hour image, a stitched panorama and a HDR.

I upload all my works on Wikimedia Commons, the repository of the Wikimedia movement with over 50,000,000 well documented media files, well known as the umbrella non-profit organisation of projects like Wikipedia (7th site on the web by hits), Wikidata, Wiktionary or Wikivoyage, among many others. By February 2019 I had almost 20,000 uploaded there, which are used in about 35,000 articles. Apart from that I participate in the biggest photo free-license contests worldwide (Wiki Loves Monuments is at the same time the biggest photo contest worldwide) and have been awarded in several occasions (see here). The usage of my images in Wikimedia is wide but still very small in comparison to the figures on the web. If you use my work outside Wikimedia, I’m always thankful for getting a short email about that (up to you, though).
As a free license photographer, you can use all my media for whatever purposes you like, including commercial purposes. All I ask for in return is a simple credit like “Diego Delso CC BY-SA“. CC BY-SA is a popular and generous Creative Commons license, but still my images are not in public domain, so not crediting the work to me is a copyright violation! Specially enterprises using my images for commercial purposes without fulfilling the license will be prosecuted if they don’t correct the problem after I politely ask them to fix the problem. Please, be fair. If you would like to use any of my works deviating from the license terms, please, contact me to discuss it.
You can find always a full resolution version of the images (hosted on Wikimedia Commons) in the description page of the file here. Just follow the link to “Image in full resolution Wikimedia Commons“.
In 2019 I mainly use a Canon 5DS R, a great body with affordable 50 MPx of great detail and quality as you can see below (click on the sea lion image to see it in impressive detail, even with a tele lens).

I’d really like to interact with you, and you can also write to me in Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese or Polish, along with English, but I’ll answer in English so that most people can understand it. Feedback is always welcome but on the other side, I can also give you hints about interesting photographic motifs in the places where I’ve been, give you some information about how and when to capture them or about the “making of” behind the photograph, my equipment or whatever you like.
So, don’t hesitate to get in touch, I’m excited to start this adventure with you! 🙂
…your Diego.